Ball Hockey Registration
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Time is expiring on registering your son(s) or daughter(s) for a new and exciting ball hockey season!
Programs are offered for children between the ages of 4 and 17 and all games will be played out of East Bayfield Arena.
The season begins in the third week of April and ends on the final weekend in June. Details regarding fees, number of games, etc are included on the league website.
We have ONE LAST IN PERSON REGISTRATION date available on Saturday, March 22nd at East Bayfield Arena, between 9am and 12pm.
Don't worry if you are unable to attend the in person registration date because you may continue to register online at .
Likewise, you may choose to print the registration forms off the website and mail the forms and registration fees to the address and payee indicated.
Days of play are as follows:
Squirt, Novice and Highschool divisions play Tuesdays. (starting April 22)
Tyke, Atom and Peewee divisions play Thursdays. (starting April 24)
All divisions may have one Wednesday game within the first three weeks of the program and the final game of the season for all divisions is on Saturday June 28
For further information contact our administration at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..