Early Bird Registration
- Written by Super User
- Published in South Simcoe
- Read 8862 times
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Start making your plans now for the 2019 ball hockey season. Register by December 26 to take advantage of early-bird savings of $40.
This year we have made a few changes and registration will close on April 1st. This will allow us to have all members come out for player evaluation to ensure teams are balanced properly.
When registering you have a choice on where to play your home games. (Barrie, Bradford or Innisfil) Please note that your registration fees cover only the home games and that all travel games are free of charge. So if by chance you cannot attend one of the travel games because of conflict with another sport or activity you won’t be losing out.
- Barrie – Tuesday’s and Thursday’s (depending on division)
- Bradford – Tuesday’s
- Innisfil – Sunday’s
(More info regarding days and times to be posted in the New Year)
The season will run from mid-April to late-June.
We will be offering incentives for those wishing to register as full time goalies and certified ice hockey coaches willing to take on a team. Information regarding this will be posted in the New Year after our board meeting on January 7th.
At this time payments can be sent by cheque or etransfer. An email will be sent out to you with further instructions after registering. If you don’t receive an email please contact our administrator Jennifer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and she will gladly help you out.
Click here to register NOW!!!