COVID-19 Update
- Written by Super User
- Published in South Simcoe
- Read 5834 times
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The Canadian Ball Hockey Association (CBHA) is committed to providing its participants and other support groups related to our programs, a safe and healthy environment in which to enjoy the sport of ball hockey.
With the recent events relating the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the CBHA Board of Directors have made the decision to suspend all CBHA sanctioned activities (including those of our member provinces and leagues), effective Tuesday March 17, 2020 until Friday April 17, 2020. This date may change due to the nature of the situation. The CBHA Board of Directors and its member Provinces will provide a status update as we approach April 17th.
The Board is unanimous in their position that this is the proper and responsible action required to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved with CBHA sanctioned programs.
The CBHA has been advised that the ISBHF will be meeting very soon to discuss the upcoming World Championship events in Europe. The CBHA will await direction from the ISBHF and advise its members accordingly.
The CBHA will continue to monitor the situation and will keep our members posted on any new developments and actions that may be required.
The CBHA wishes to thank, in advance, all involved with CBHA programs and activities for their cooperation as we all navigate through this unique and difficult situation.
How does the affect the upcoming season? - South Simcoe Ball Hockey Leagues has set up a contingency plan if we are unable to start April 18th.
We plan to offer the members on what was advertised however we have several possibilities and won’t know how will proceed until we get closer to the CBHA deadline of April 17th. If the severity of this unforeseen Pandemic continues and a start date is not in place for the weekend of May 2nd/3rd we will cancel the season and begin to offer full refunds to our registered members.
Stay healthy and we hope to see you all soon.