2022 Minor Season Registration
- Written by Super User
- Published in South Simcoe
- Read 4597 times
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We are happy to announce that indoor ball hockey will return in April 2022.
For more information on the upcoming season please click here
The Ontario Ball Hockey Federation (OBHF), our governing body, has not put any mandates into place thus far, therefore we will continue to follow the provincial guidelines in our return to play.
This year we have teamed up with TeamLinkt for our online registration, stats management and communications. Once you register online, we recommend that you download the TeamLinkt app to stay informed on the upcoming season. Parents will be notified when their child is placed on a team, when the schedule is uploaded and will have direct communication with all other parties on the team including the assigned coaching staff.
This year we are offering the following two choices of payments
- etransfer
- credit card (all credit card payments are subject to a $7 processing fee)
To register online and take advantage of the savings please click here
Last modified onSaturday, 04 December 2021 18:01