2022 Season Update
- Written by Super User
- Published in South Simcoe
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Every year the South Simcoe Ball Hockey League thrives to meet previous season registration numbers with always the hope for growth.
After being away for two years with COVID restrictions our league along with many others find themselves in a decline. The reason for this remains unknown but after discussing with several nearby sports its seems that this expands outside of ball hockey as well.
The season is set to begin on May 1st and some of our divisions may begin with smaller rosters than where we would like to see them. Please note that every team will have enough uniforms to have a full roster therefore if you have a friend that would like to join the team after we get started, they can do so by registering online and notifying the league on which team they would like to join.
Because of the decline in less registered players the league had no choice but to change its schedule format from 80% home games to 70%
Innisfil will continue to play Sunday’s, Bradford on Tuesday’s and Barrie on Thursday’s
Schedules are posted online and will be accessible from the TeamLinkt app once your child is place on a team.
Most children have been placed on teams for the exception of Innisfil players registered in the U8, U10 & U12 divisions.
We hope to have this done later this week.
We were told that our uniforms would arrive for opening day however after discussing with our supplier overseas they believe that there could be a delay with shipping due to the ongoing war happening in the Ukraine.
The league does have a backup plan if these problems should arise to get us through the first couple of games.
Provincial try-outs this year will begin in late May however due to the lack of available floor time it could be possible that these would take place in Innisfil on a Wednesday or Friday evening. We should have information regarding this once the season gets going.
Please ensure that all players are equipped with proper equipment. This includes a hockey helmet with full facial cage, hockey gloves, soccer style shin guards, running shoes and a hockey stick with no plastic blade. A failure to have any of the above-mentioned items will have the player sidelined until he/she can provide all mandatory equipment.
Lastly and most importantly
The South Simcoe Ball Hockey Leagues still requires coaches in the following areas:
- U10 – Bradford
- U12 – Innisfil
- U14 – Barrie
- U17 – Innisfil
Until these voluntary positions are taken, we cannot proceed to move forward. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.