Season Start Date
- Written by Super User
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The Innisfil Minor Ball Hockey League will commence the season with back to back games starting Saturday April 27 and Sunday April 28.
The teams will be made up throughout the weekend and coaches will be notified of their rosters and schedules early Monday morning.
The schedules will be posted on our website later this week and as kids are placed on teams parents who registered online can view their childs status on their account.
All parents will be contacted either by email or phone call to notify you of your first game. You will also be able to view the rosters on our website late Monday evening.
We have also confirmed that May 26 is picture day. All families will receive a team picture, an individual picture and two refrigerator magnets at NO charge.
Uniforms will be given out prior to your first game so please make sure you arrive 15-20 minutes early.
Last modified onSaturday, 02 January 2016 17:18