2012 Fall Ball Hockey Schedule
- Written by Super User
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The Bradford Minor Ball Hockey league is set to start its fall season, but before we do we’d like to send out a few reminders.
Please make sure your kids have all the proper equipment. This includes: hockey helmet with full facial cage, hockey stick with no plastic blade, soccer shin guards, running shoes and hockey gloves. If any of these items are missing your child will not be able to play.
The league will lend the players jerseys and are to be handed back to us once the season is complete on Dec 17th.
Please make sure your kids wear shorts or track pants.The arena will get cold as the winter nears so please dress accordingly.
We also need parents to step up and help the kids. We currently don’t have any coaches and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Goalie equipment will be supplied to those who wish to go in net but it must be returned once the game is over. Lastly the league is open so if the children have any friends that wish to register they can still do so at any time during the season.
Have fun and we will see you all soon